Who Are You Most Excited to Serve?


Who are you most excited to serve?

If you find yourself struggling to decide between multiple career options, projects, startup ideas – this is a powerful question to ask.

This question also helps filter opportunities that are seemingly quite similar.

Say you are considering competing job offers from three different companies. The responsibilities and compensation packages are similar.

Instead of asking yourself “which one of these companies is more prestigious” as the next question, ask yourself “In which one of these companies will I be serving the population that I most care about?” 

Without a dedication to the customer you are serving, it’s nearly impossible to have the energy and drive you need to consistently perform at peak levels and stay motivated.

If you feel like you’re losing your connection with your customer base, maybe it’s time to rekindle it and remind yourself of why you started doing this in the first place.

If you can’t rekindle it, maybe it’s time to move on to something new.

Sometimes, we get caught up in the idea that the work itself, the product, or our prestige is the root of our professional satisfaction.

But ultimately, one of the best litmus tests for lasting motivation, satisfaction, and the high performance that comes with it, is a kinship and deep caring for the end customer.


Sam Shepler

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