What Would You Do With Five Years To Live? Do That.


How would your life decisions, and in particular, your career decisions change if you knew you only had five years left to live?

What dreams would you go after that you’ve been putting off because they just don’t seem practical right now?

What company would you start if you knew it would be your last one ever?

What dream job would you pursue, despite how challenging the road was?

Go do that now. You don’t have to drop everything. Take consistent small steps and build up some momentum in the direction of your dreams.

In the face of an impending conclusion to our lives (even a vividly imagined one), all artifices of status, fear, and ego fall away and hopefully, we can see what actually makes us feel alive.


Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now. -Goethe




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